Welcome to another edition of Fly On The Wall group blog postings hosted by Karen of Baking In A Tornado. Today, there are three of us bloggers inviting you into our homes to see what a fly might see (or overhear).
As much as I dislike the nosey fly, I've discovered I hate even more his mini cousins, the Noseeums. Sounds like a rock band, right? However, the Noseeums are anything but musical. In Florida, we start getting inundated by swarms of them in spring. And I had the bites last month to prove it because this is what camping does to you.
Last month we parked our RV at Koreshan State Park in a small lot with overgrown palmetto shrubs. Not my favorite scenery but that's all that was available at the campground. However, we made the best of it with our decorative outdoor lights and faux candles. It wasn't until the second afternoon that I started to itch and swat at dozens of teensy-weensy bugs flying around outside our camper. But after a few glasses of wine, I didn't think about them anymore. We had too much fun playing games, visiting the historic Koreshan compound museums, meeting other RVers, and taking our pug for a walk in his doggy stroller (an awesome gift from our son!). The funny thing is that Yoda's stroller has a mesh covering, so while we were exploring the campground with him, several people thought we were grandparents pushing a grandbaby. Imagine their surprise when they peered inside the stroller and saw a small black, fuzzy canine!
It took a week before the spots disappeared and the itching stopped, but hey, we still had a good time, so it was worth it. I would never let Noseeums (or the nosey flies) ruin my RV trips! Anyway, I'm more focused now on March and the fun that comes with this beautiful, blooming time of year: My daughter's 34th birthday, The Florida Renaissance Festival, St. Patrick's Day, and another RV trip! By the time you're reading this, we will be at a stunning new RV resort in Bowling Green, Florida, along the Peace River. By "peace," I hope they mean bug-free...or at least Noseeum-free. Either way, I'm bringing plenty of bug spray!
Here's my latest batch of photos while hanging out with family,
Make sure you stop by Karen and Diane's house to see what the nosey fly saw while buzzing around their homes!
Baking In A Tornado https://www.BakingInATornado.com
On the Border https://dlt-lifeontheranch.blogspot.com/